
Partnering with organizations around the globe who work with infants; providing for their staff, their operations, and the community they support.

I have not been on the computer for over two months, but I have a good reason to get on today! To announce the birth of our fourth child!  Miriam Noelle Lund  10lb 11oz, 20 inches, born 12/25/2010 at 8:41pm! […]

A new horizon

We are heading off in the morning, kid-less, to have our first informational set up for being full time missionaries. We will be at the Evangelical Free Church in Bemidji to set up a table with our prayer cards, poster […]

Updated Prayer Letter

Hello Family and Friends,                                                                                                   August 28th, 2010 It has been four months since I wrote last. Some exciting things have happened that I am glad I get to share with you. Since we returned from Uganda to Minnesota, we have […]