
Partnering with organizations around the globe who work with infants; providing for their staff, their operations, and the community they support.


Well into December and no snow to speak of, cold but no snow.  The boys and I went out yesterday and got a Christmas tree from south of the house, Miranda and kids decorated it when I went to work.  […]

Rink Rats

I took the boys to the ice rink today for Rink Rats. It was fun.  We were able to use skates, helmets and other gear from the rink, and we can  use them until the end of the season!  Solomon […]

God the Father

So we started the Journey to Freedom yesterday.  The first lesson was about who our Heavenly Father really is.  It talked about how we will relate to God like we relate to our earthly father.  It asked us to go […]

Arley, take one

I am going to try and take a good poke at this blogging stuff; I have never tried it so hear it goes.  Last night my wife and I were talking about all that has been going on in the […]

All about the Foreign….

Sitting down to the computer, let alone sitting down to blog something feels so foreign to me! I hope it’s like riding a bike! I haven’t really had a good place to sit down and sort out my thoughts since […]