This is what my husband said to start off our weekend on Thursday night.
“I have a four day weekend! What in the world are we going to do? We have nothing planned and I don’t want to sit around for four days…..” And we were off! First the microwave started smelling like electrical fire – “why don’t you get on craigs list and see if you can find a slightly used one.” 70 miles later, we have our new microwave and a visit with my grandma. And then back home for dinner and Arley installing the microwave. The next morning I ran down to Blaine for some sleds (which I also found on craigslist since every store I tried near us were sold out of sleds) and then a quick stop at my friends house which I haven’t seen in about 5 months. We had a great veg out visit and then it was on to find a filter for our new microwave. Well, about 5 hours of taking constant wrong turns (and getting to the parts store 15 minutes after they closed) and many hormonal tears later and no filter my battery light came on in the car so I stopped at another store, about 15 miles from home, in all honesty – not because the light went on, but to just get a few more minutes of alone mom time before heading back home to the troops. But when coming back out 5 minutes later, the car was dead. Thankfully Arley’s cousin was just getting back from a missions trip and was able to watch the kids so he could run down and fix the car and get me home FINALLY. On Sunday, it was the installation of our new and amazing pastor so after that and a reception with delicious food that I was hoping to help with (before my pregnant absent mind took over) and our small group meeting and our grocery shopping, we got home with two hours to spare from when the babysitter was to arrive, with a house up in sorts! This is making me tired just thinking abuout it again.
So, yeah, we had a date night! It turned out not to be so amazing since we got to the resturant an hour before they were closing (early for the night) and no where else to go that isn’t a bar. So after a jaunt around Shopko and the grocery store and the movie store we went back home hours early and went to bed! Monday was better. The boys were outside making a snow fort, since it is above zero-YEAH, and I got to clean in peace for a while, and watch our movies.
All in all, Arley has vowed never to start a weekend like that again!
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