
A new horizon

We are heading off in the morning, kid-less, to have our first informational set up for being full time missionaries. We will be at the Evangelical Free Church in Bemidji to set up a table with our prayer cards, poster board, support envelopes, a power point presentation and a scrap book (that my awesome friend Lori made and I am finally done with and LOVE it!!!). We will also have a hand made basket (filled with Nips, of course) and some necklaces on display and for sale. We are not talking in front of anyone, just getting the word out that we are here and there are a lot of Africans that we want to help and that need help!

And just a side note, I have a friend (with whom I don’t get to catch up with like I would like to – isn’t that the story of my life!!! as I have a lot of friends that I don’t catch up with… I barely keep up with my parents! anyway..) from Cambridge that started a business making baby head supports called baby elephant ears. Her product made it into Rachel Ray’s Everyday living magazine November issue!!!! I am SO excited for her, it is overwhelming and I am praising God for her and her ideas tonight! If you want to check them out, it is at On a side note, I got one as a baby shower gift for Eden and we absolutely loved it and although I hope to be thrifty and use it over again, if God gives us a boy, I will have to buy one in a more masculine fabric 🙂 




2 Replies to “A new horizon”

  1. I remember you telling me about your friend and her product way back when you first had Eden and she was a model for some pictures. That’s so awesome and amazing! With Rachel Ray’s shout out she’s going to be one busy gal. How great for her.

    I’ll be thinking of you guys while you are spreading the word too. I’m sure those paper necklaces will go fast. Remember next year I’ll be selling my jewelry at the Apple Fest too so I’m more than happy to sell them their for you guys too. Let us know how it all goes.

    I can’t wait to see your book all put together. Next time you are coming down my way, let me know.

    Take Care You! God Bless!

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