I am sitting here in the dark with both of the boys crying. They have been crying for 15 minutes now; Abraham laying on the floor by the door and Solomon sitting in his bed. Arley is out of town for the night and I am trying to get my over tired boys to bed a little early. Do I go in and start the dance or do I just sit out here, waiting, listening, and slowly pulling one hair out at a time (I hope that if you see me tomorrow or this weekend I still have hair)?
The evening really did start off well. Abe and I made pizza for supper while Solomon was taking a late nap. After supper we put together a gingerbread train and then proceeded to eat part of it :).
We played some hid and seek. It was nice. Abe had no tantrums and Sol was not whiney. And now this. Going on 20 minutes. Now they NEED their MAMA!! Oh boy. I think I might have to go in and put them back in their beds before they throw-up. I know TMI. Sorry.
I really had something to write about today, but golly if I can think of it now! Oh well. Maybe tomorrow.
Oh how I know the feeling…of your husband being out of town and pulling out your hair…and of children not sleeping! We should chat sometime eh?