Temperature and days to go included! We are experiencing the ice storm to full effect (minus the power outages), but even more news worthy, in my opinion, is that we can count our days left on good old American soil on my HANDS! Wow. I was getting nervous last week – nervous that I wouldn’t get everything packed, that I would miss something, that I would get all the way there and not get enough done. That I would let down all the wonderful people that funded our trip. That we would get there, and I would’ve heard God wrong, and this wasn’t the place that we were suppose to go! But today is different. Today is a day of excitement and anticipation. The count down has begun.
Speaking of countdowns, in two days we are going to have a six year old! A bright, wonderful, happy, and apparently anxious six year old who can barley wait to go Africa so he can haul water to use for household chores! You heard it right! He is really excited at the jobs that the kids do over there (I wonder how excited he will be in three weeks). I told him that he could go down to the lake and break a hole in the ice to bring water here if he wanted to, and he said,”sure, can I do it!” Maybe not while it’s icing outside… and then it will be below zero for a while… lets just wait til we get to Uganda.
Oh, and something health wise you can pray for us. I have been reading up on candida and what you should and shouldn’t eat with it, and I have determined that I will be taking malt, malt barley, and maltodextrin out of our diet. Also, vinegar and other fermented foods. I saw a huge improvement so far (until we went to subway out of sheer tiredness and ate sandwiches) in attitudes and emotions. Solomon was so chipper (compared to what he has been like the last couple months) and Abraham was not nearly as whiny and teary and angry as he has been. I also felt really good!
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