I feel so out of sorts this month. I am full of emotions, mostly awe and thankfulness and overwhelming sense of relief. I am about to burst into tears because I am so overjoyed that other than 2 weeks of training out of town, Arley’s last week away from us is next week. It has been hard for me to hold a conversation with anyone because I just have so much running around up in my brain that I don’t hear anyone, nor do I have enough sense to ask them about themselves! I am working on it though. I am so thankful that we are back to healthy again. I am so thankful that Arley will be home for the weekend. I am so thankful that Arley was given a new job close to home with his same benefits and all. I am so thankful that we are about to embark in a new adventure, helping kids that can’t help themselves. I am so thankful that I have three healthy kids. I am so thankful that God blesses us everyday and that I am aware and watching for his many miracles in life.
On another note, Eden is now 6 months old! I am happy that she is growing and healthy. I am sort-of sad that her cute little grin isn’t so toothless anymore! She has one tooth on the bottom and several more about to cut. The other front on the bottom and both of the tops are getting closer and closer to coming out. She is also wanting to sit up and she is LOVING her jumperoo, her cereal and fruit twice a day, and she is getting used to her cloth diapers (and I am getting acquainted with folding them to fit her cute.little.chubby.thighs).
Abraham is doing great in his big boy underwear. A few forgetful moments, but all in all he is doing great. He started a one day a week entry into preschool class yesterday. He has three other kids in his class and us mothers (and Eden). Although Abe has no real separation anxiety, the other three kids do so it will be interesting to see what happens. It will be 4 weeks, yesterday we were with them 2/3 of the class. Then we will be there half the time and then 1/3 of the time and the last time we will be dropping them off and sitting in the parent room the rest of the time. There is also an all ages class Wednesday mornings that I could technically bring both of the kids too that I am considering.
Solomon is doing great in Kindergarten still. He is line leader today. We just got done decorating a turkey with things around the house that we like to do as a family. Then they brought the turkeys and a picture to class to talk about what our family likes to do together. Solomon and I used leaves, sticks, moss, an under feather and a rock that we found on our way home from the bus stop to decorate it and he brought a picture of us at Jay Cooke State Park. It was parents night at Sparks last night, so I was able to hang out with him. It was fun but sad at the same time. I know that it is difficult for me and Arley and the kids that he has been gone during the week and working all weekend to fix up the heat, etc but I haven’t seen Solomon quite so clingy with me. Another reason the tears flow when I think about Arley being home in another short week!
Here are some pics of the family (minus the camera lady) and Eden’s 6 month pictures…..
Hey Miranda! How did I not know you had a blog until tonight?? I just read the last two posts and love the pics. Sooo cute. I’m so happy for you that AJ will be home soon!! We got to see him tonight as he came over with Earl and Emily to rescue our kitty who had been stuck in a tree for 24+ hours. Yikes! It was funny to see him b/c I just thought of sending you an e-mail today as I had heard on Fri. that he got a job up there and you had support raised for Africa! Woo-hoo. I’ll look forward to hearing more about what’s up with that. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!