With Abe’s dairy allergy, we try new things every now and then. Today we tried lactose free mac and cheese. How weird does that sound! It was also gluten free so it was made with brown rice noodles, and the sauce was green. It tasted nothing like mac and cheese, looked nothing like mac and cheese, and smells nothing like mac and cheese. It has since been thrown in the trash but yes, it still smells. It almost has a savory chicken smell to it, which smells kind-of good if you can get past the “it should smell like mac and cheese” idea!
So I am now sitting on the couch, resting since I am still sick, listening to the boys in their room – choosing not to remind them that nap time is for taking naps, not talking and singing to yourself. I figure that it buys me more time to veg on the couch. I just hope that next week or the week after when I am feeling better, they listen to me when I ‘gently’ explain for the umpteenth time that nap time is for sleep, not another play date!
And I was almost excited to hear that there was such a thing as dairy-free macaroni and cheese! Darn.
I know I was going to ask you where you got it from and see if I could get some for Jonn:( SO SAD:(