Through careful prayer and consideration, we feel that God has found the perfect place for us to serve. We are excited to announce that we are going to be persuing working with African Children’s Mission. They are based out of Uganda. The founders, Wayne and Mary Daniel, were called to East Africa as permanent field missionaries in 1991, to minister to orphan, abandoned, homeless, and destitute children. There is so much work to be done. Each year dozens of volunteers visit them in Uganda. They take part in a wide variety of ministries including construction, water projects, teaching, preaching, administration, medical ministry, evangelism, discipleship, storytelling, music, drama, puppetry, and encouragement. Whatever talents and gifts God has given you, He can use through you on the mission field. The only real requirements are a servant’s heart, willing hands to help where needed and love for the Lord Jesus and others. They really need someone to oversee all the construction projects that the volunteers come to work on.
We will be filling out applications and working on setting up our 90 day trail visit (2 to 4 weeks the first time, and the remainder the second trip). The cost of a mission trip with ACM is airfare (usually $1600-2000), layover expenses and travel/evacuation insurance (ACM has a group policy), plus $380, which includes pickup and delivery to the airport in Entebbe and meals, lodging and transportation while in Uganda for a two week visit. After the first two weeks, the cost is $20 per day for the remainder of the visit.
 Please pray that we will be able to raise what we need for the trips, that we will be able to get passports and visas quickly for all of us, and that God will show us what to do for our bills here while we are gone. Please feel free to visit ACM’s website for more information. They are having a hard time getting things updated, so the information is a few years old.
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