Well into December and no snow to speak of, cold but no snow. The boys and I went out yesterday and got a Christmas tree from south of the house, Miranda and kids decorated it when I went to work. Nice to have all the lights to come home to after work! In our devotions it has been going through the foundation of our faith. At first I was approaching it as redundant then a little way in to the lesson I realized if I don’t know this through and through what do I know at all. All of my faith is based on the truth of Christ, the Holy Spirit living in me, and the love of our heavenly Father. Sometimes we get into today and all the wonderful revelations God has given to “the churched” in the Bible and through other books God has inspired his children to right. Then we come to tell someone what we believe and don’t know where to start. We need to know the foundation of our faith how to share it and understand the people we meet may have no foundation at all and surly don’t know or understand ours. So my prayer this week is to praise God for all he has done for me and all he is doing, for Christ and his sacrifice, and the Holy Spirit who it with me all the time.
Posted on December 9, 2011 by miranda
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