Hello Family and Friends, August 28th, 2010
It has been four months since I wrote last. Some exciting things have happened that I am glad I get to share with you. Since we returned from Uganda to Minnesota, we have been busy with our yard. Arley is reconstructing our shed that we brought from our old house. He is increasing its size to include a second floor and an addition which will become our wood shed. We are at a standstill right now until we can find some way to get the roof sections and the walls of the wood shed addition in place. We are trying to come up with an idea other than a lift since funds are not available for that. We have also been clearing brush from around the house and garage and planting several trees in the yard.
We are expecting a new addition to the family at the end of December or the beginning of January. The boys are very excited about the new baby and can’t wait to find out if it is a new brother or sister. To pass the time, Solomon is getting ready for first grade and Abraham is getting ready to start Pre School. Eden is just about ready to take her first steps. She has been so content with her crawling skills that she has not felt the need for any walking, but I have noticed her legs increasing in strength and her ever more confidence in standing unassisted.
Arley and I had the opportunity to fly down to Alabama to meet with the missions’ board for African Children’s Mission this past weekend. It was a great time of fellowship with Wayne and Mary’s family and it was also wonderful to meet many members of the board. We received a unanimous vote from the board to become full time missionaries with African Children’s Mission! This weekend was also the kick in the pants we needed to continue with our fund raising venture and answered so many of our questions. A big question that was answered was how much support we will need to sustain us on the field. We will need an outgoing fund to support our onetime expenses of airfare, vehicle purchase, home construction and medical insurance. We will also need an ongoing support for monthly living expenses. The approximate amounts are $24,000 for our outgoing expenses and $2,200 a month for living. With Arley’s hours becoming more structured, he has been told that every third weekend he will have off, so we are hoping to start scheduling meetings with small groups, individuals, churches, and businesses regarding our venture. Please pray for us as we are fundraising and on the mission field, that God would meet all of our needs in his time.
I am starting a new and improved mailing list, so if you are interested in being part of that, either by mail or electronically, please email me your information including your name, address, email address, phone, and anything else you might want to. Also, if you have a small group or are part of one and you would like to have us over for an evening, please let us know and we will schedule a time. Also, if you would like to sit down one on one for your own self or your business, also let us know and we would be happy to do that.
Blessings to you and yours,
Arley and Miranda Lund
anmlund@gmail.com or 218-732-9229
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