
Summer, summer, summer; Where are you going?

I apologize from updating for so long. I am not sure where to start. I think they call it writers block. I sit down to the computer and my brain just shuts off. I forget everything and everything that I should or need to say.

We are meeting with the ACM board of directors the weekend of August 20th. We will be discussing with them the possibility and the opportunity to be working with them full time in Uganda. Although, we can’t bring our kids with us that weekend so we are sort-of at a loss of what to do with them.

I painted Eden’s toe nails today. She hated every minute of it but I got them all done. I’m sure she will grow to love it. Maybe I shouldn’t have started out with magenta as a color?

Arley has been working crazy hours lately, picking up any shift he can so he can support his family. He drives 26 miles to work most days. There is an opportunity opening up in Park Rapids (8 miles from home) to work with the same company that he applied for this last week. The posting closes tomorrow so we are praying that he will be chosen. It would also mean no more overnights!!! Mostly afternoons and mornings. And more scheduled hours so he would have to pick up shifts to fill his hours. And did I mention the gas savings! He could go to work and back and to work on one drive to his job right now.

We are starting to look for a van or something that can seat 6 people. Because in January, we will be a six person family 🙂 If anyone has something available for “next to a missionaries budget”, let us know! (This might be another reason for the writers block).

Abraham will be turning 4 years old in a few weeks. Just four days before Arley and I celebrate our 8 year anniversary. I can’t imagine going a day without him.

The boys are in rare form lately. They have found each and every single button to push on each other! It has been a long, loud summer in that way. But it is half way over which is ridiculous.

 We have been doing a lot of tree moving and tree planting and de-brushing and Arley has been hard at work taking down a shed near by to put up a wood shed for the wood this winter. He is also putting up a shed that we brought with us from North Branch in his “spare” time. I am not sure he has taken a full day off since we got back from Uganda. And it doesn’t look like he will be, since he will be starting cutting wood as soon as the shed/woodshed are finished.

Eden is starting to hang on the things and walk along. She can climb the stairs and likes to do it on the way to bed.

My hammock which I purchased in Mexico during a high school youth missions trip has finally bit the dust this year. I was blessed to be able to replace it with another in hopes of many afternoon naps. Although not today because of the misquitos and that it is past afternoon and I really need to think about what to make for supper.

So this is my attempt to clear my head in hopes that I might have some more room for stories about our time in Uganda. Thanks for listening.

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