Abraham is three today. Three! I was beginning to wonder if he would make it to three. I had nightmares of him wandering down to the lake or running out in traffic or getting lost in the woods and not coming back in any of the scenarios. But God is good, and had kept him safe thus far, and I trust that he will keep him tightly wrapped in his fist for the rest of his adventerous life.
Three is a big birthday in our house in a few different ways. It is the birthday that they get a “big” toy from mom and dad. It is the day they give up there ‘comfort’, whatever that may be. Solomon gave up his blanket at three. Abraham on the other hand gave up something today that I would have never guessed would ever become a comfort for a child. He gave up his milk cups (sippy cups).
When he would get tired, or hurt, or scared he would not reach for a blanket or a pacifier or a cute and cuddly animal of sort, he would want his milk cup. When he woke up and pretty much any time in between he wanted his milk cup. He would carry his cup around with him whenever he was given the chance, full or not.
For his big present, he was given a new to him go cart. He thought it was a very cool ‘race car’ but instead of riding it (he did ride it for a long time -for a three year old) he opted to spend his morning doing this instead.
See him there, up at the top? Yeah, way up there!
This might be fuel that leads me would wonder if he would survive another day… But he has, and he will see many more. He is adventurous and daring and kind and generous and so loving! Ride on Abraham…
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