Wow, summer can be crazy! In a good way. Other than having my computer out of commission for a few days while my brother worked his magic I have just not been very creative minded enough to put words on a page for all my 6 readers to enjoy 🙂 But Abraham solved that problem for me today, so I come to share 🙂
I took Abraham out of his pull-ups yesterday so I could see how he is progressing and he did pretty well! He had an accident at supper time but all in all it was good. Speed ahead to today; we had a WIC appointment for Eden (finally) and while we there, Abe; who refused to put a pull-up on, pooped on the floor during our appointment! Did I mention how much I LOATHE potty training? I think I am going back to diapers and he can just do it himself when he is ?more? ready.
We are all good here though. Getting a little antsy about the move, but that is more because we don’t know when that move is actually going to be!
We have the African Children’s Mission founders, Wayne and Mary Daniel, coming to visit us the weekend of August 7th.
Arley just applied for his first job to work up in Park Rapids. So pray that if that is where God wants him while we are there, that they would get back to us and he would be able to jump right in!
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