
So I felt a little daring….

Big Mistake. BIG. I was feeling like I wanted to lighten my hair. I got a box, did the test strip and everything looked great! So my head is the next obvious choice……. I now have cheap look like I bought a box and this is the first time I ever dyed my hair – “she probably had really dark hair to begin with and shouldn’t have gone that light of a color” look!!!! Ugh. And no husband tonight so I can’t go anywhere to fix it. I am about to cry. Oh well. It’s not like it’s ever happened before, well not in the same way. I’m sure you are all interested in finding out what I mean?

I was in highschool and used a wash out auburn hair “rinse”  It was beautiful for two days, then I went through shades of washing out, Ronald McDonald red to a blaze orange to a jolly rancher peach where I stayed for weeks! I spend like 7 hours at my hair stylist while she attempted to get a color halfway normal. Well, I know what I am going to be doing this weekend. …. …. ….

2 Replies to “So I felt a little daring….”

  1. Crappy! I remember that other incident… Just think, in 15 years you can look back at this one and laugh. Make sure you take some pictures so you have proof!


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