
A Beautiful Day

Wow, it is a beautiful day today. The rains stayed away most of last evening and all of today so far. It reminds me of a perfect sunny 90 degree day in Minnesota, in MARCH! It is already March. We have been here a month today.

We have learned so much within this time here.  It is amazing to see God working and to be able to be still in the remoteness of Uganda and hear Him. We are beginning to see and hear why He has sent us here. What He wants us to learn. I have so many thoughts going through my head right now, it is insane. It is so beautiful here in this very spot that I am hiding. Yes, hiding. Sitting on the veranda of one of the three guest houses, listening to the workers, speaking Lugandan, working on the third of these houses that is not yet complete. I am listening to the breeze flowing through the palm leaves of the plants hiding me from plain view in the middle of construction. Sitting here, dare I say, I feel like I am on some kind of vacation! I am loving listening and watching, to the people walking by, the students cleaning and getting fire wood for the next guests to have hot water, and thinking how blessed I am to be here with them, helping in any way I can to make their life a little sweeter.

That is what I am. I am a servant. I am the one who can count pills faster so I get the big bottles of 900 and some needing to be inventoried. I am the one with a computer that can make a template for a prescription form, even if it is after the offical work day, and get it to Mr. Daniel before he goes to town. I am the one buying 50 sets (or 100 – I am not totally sure) of necklace/bracelet/earrings for my supporters and friends back home to give a single mom of three boys some more money for clothes and school and food and another lady who I don’t know much about to have whatever she needs that hugged me when I asked her to make these for me!

God, please help me to be a servant. Please help me to take joy in the tedious jobs that I can do to help others. Please help me bless them today.

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